Alterlab adalah perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 5 November 2011, Perusahaan bergerak dibidang Laboratory & Technology. Bekerjasama dengan beberapa manufacture dari Eropa sebagai perwakilan di Indonesia untuk melayani klien di Indonesia.
Alterlab berbekal tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman, kompeten, dan mempunyai visi dan misi memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi klien yang bekerjasama dengan kami.
Well-balanced design and optimized safety features.
Low-profile with small footprint ideal for use on lab benches and within fume hoods or clean benches.
On touch operation mode, real-time and dynamic mixing made even with gentle touch.
– Every point of the top surface is highly reactive to gentle touch due to widely built in sensitive sensors.
Selective mixing modes with variable speed control knob.
– VM-96A: Touch / Continuous / High-continuous.
– VM-96T: Touch / Continuous.
Built-in LED lamps in case of VM-96A for easy recognition of the mixing mode selected.
Sparkless BLDC motor adopted for safety, quick acceleration, and low maintenance.
Built-in safety features against overload and over current.