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Alterlab adalah perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 5 November 2011, Perusahaan bergerak dibidang Laboratory & Technology. Bekerjasama dengan beberapa manufacture dari Eropa sebagai perwakilan di Indonesia untuk melayani klien di Indonesia.

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(021) 28566717

SDT 1000

Suppository Testing

Designed in accordance with the specifications laid down in Ph. Eur. Test 2.9.2, the SDT 1000 is a single unit tester, optimised for assessing the disintegration properties of suppositories and pessaries and with the appropriate attachment, for measuring the softening time of lipophilic suppositories (as per Ph. Eur. 2.9.22.-2).

The SDT 1000 has a simple design, which uses manual inversion controlled using a water-resistant pulley system. Test parameters including water bath temperature and stirrer speed are easily set using the touch key interfaces.