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Alterlab adalah perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 5 November 2011, Perusahaan bergerak dibidang Laboratory & Technology. Bekerjasama dengan beberapa manufacture dari Eropa sebagai perwakilan di Indonesia untuk melayani klien di Indonesia.

Alterlab berbekal tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman, kompeten, dan mempunyai visi dan misi memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi klien yang bekerjasama dengan kami.

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(021) 28566717

In-Line Cells

PermeGear In-Line Cells may be thought of as a flow type Franz Cell with a very small receptor volume. In-Line Cells locate the membrane of interest in the horizontal plane and have donor chambers open to the air although occluded donor chambers are available.

In-Line Cells are flow cells available in orifice diameters from 5mm to 15mm which were designed to replace the Bronaugh Cell. They are made from the plastic Kel-F. In-Line Cells have a unique clamping system which features user preset, repeatable, secure clamping of tissue or membranes. Clamping is achieved with a stainless steel spring that applies pressure preset by the user to the upper surface of the donor compartment for leakproof clamping. The cell design locates the orifice diameters within .1mm of each other. HPLC connectors are used to connect the cells to 1/16 ID tubing. Stirring effects within the cells are easily checked with our unique Twin-Flow Conversion System.
