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Alterlab adalah perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 5 November 2011, Perusahaan bergerak dibidang Laboratory & Technology. Bekerjasama dengan beberapa manufacture dari Eropa sebagai perwakilan di Indonesia untuk melayani klien di Indonesia.

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(021) 28566717

EOLO Digital Airjet Siever

EOLO Digital Airjet Siever

The EOLO digital air jet sieve shaker has been specially designed for dry granulometric testing, for fine particles from 5 microns in size (from 0.005 to 4 mm). It offers fast, effective sieving thanks to the flow of the product obtained forced by a current of air which forces the particles through the sieve. This effect is obtained using an industrial vacuum which maintains constant depression. It features a digital panel with sieving time regulation (1 to 99 minutes) and Vacuum Meter, which incorporates a depression regulator valve in order to select the necessary depression for each test.
