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Alterlab adalah perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 5 November 2011, Perusahaan bergerak dibidang Laboratory & Technology. Bekerjasama dengan beberapa manufacture dari Eropa sebagai perwakilan di Indonesia untuk melayani klien di Indonesia.

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(021) 28566717

Media Preparators (AE-MP)

Efficient Solution for Culture Media Preparation

AE-MP streamlines the operative workflow for microbiology and plant tissue culture laboratories. One single device integrates the preparation, sterilization and dispensation of high quality culture media with outstanding batch to batch reproducibility. AE-MP autoclaves are designed to reduce total run time while delivering high volumes of sterile culture media thanks to its efficient heating system and fast cooling phase at the end of the sterilization process that reduce the time of cooling phase up to 60% compared to a traditional autoclave.


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